Stormy Sea at Cullercoats by John Falconar Slater, North Tyneside Council Art Collection
The IRON Age 1973 - 2023
In this age of great uncertainty IRON Press looks ahead to 2023, a year which will mark a half century of continuous publication from this sturdy north east imprint.
We are at present drawing up a list of planned new books which we hope will culminate in a mega IRON Press Festival in Spring/Summer of 2023. This would be our fifth festival and would, we hope, attract friends and supporters from throughout the country, nay the planet, nay the entire universe!
Book your Cullercoats beach deckchair now.
One possible project is to publish a special one-off edition of IRON Magazine which ran for 83 editions from 1973 to 1997.
More news on all of this later.
Readers’ Groups - IRON Press is keen to promote reading. We can offer you good discounts on bulk ordering of any of our titles for your readers' groups. We may also be able to put you in touch with the writers if you'd like them to visit your group - do remember that writers need to live and eat, don't expect them to do readings/workshops for nothing. Your regional arts boards may be able to help you with funding information for writer's events
Readers and Writers - IRON Press itself can do events for readers and writers. We can offer a bookstall, a talk on Getting Published or How Small Presses Work or Poetry or Haiku or Getting Started in Writing, as well as readings. For more details e-mail us on