Limerick Nation

Limerick Nation: new limericks from IRON Press

Limerick Nation is a pioneering collection of new limericks from IRON Press, which attempts to rescue the poetic form from its low literary reputation.

More than sixty poets have contributed, and each of the limericks is inspired by the writer's place of residence. This is normally the town, but several writers have shown ingenuity and rhymed their district, their street name or even their postcode! Many of the limericks pinpoint a particular cultural, topographical or historical peculiarity of their locale.

Try suggesting a week-end in Leicester
and watch your amour turn protester.
It's all roadwork and cones
and that dead king's old bones
aren't much of a romantic gesture

               D.A. Prince

ISBN: 978-0-9575032-3-6
Price £7.00
Published in September 2014

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